Monday, October 6, 2008


The CLIMB program is in high demand. Creating Livelihoods in Micro Business is a ten-week course offered by International Relief and Development (IRD) in Gulfport, MS. The course helps people throughout Southern Mississippi that aspire to open their own small business. The focus is writing a detailed business plan. Upon completion, graduates are eligible to participate in a peer-lending program to help get their business started.

After graduating the first class in August the second class is well under way. One of the graduates from the first session has already secured two separate government contracts to provide janitorial services to large facilities.

In order to get the word out about the program we invited a local news station to the second class of the new session. The report was aired several times on local television and the response was amazing! We now have a waiting list of over ninety people who are interested in participating in the third session of the course scheduled to start in January.

To read the transcript of the report check out the link:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great news that the ASSETS program is in such high demand! Hopefully that will contribute to increased sustainability for the program and the organization.
Keep us posted!
Nicole P.