Monday, September 8, 2008


Hello to everyone! After waiting and wondering what Gustav had planned I have finally arrived in Gulfport, Mississippi. Now that I am here I can finally start my internship working with International Relief and Development.

I am very excited to get to work and contribute to this rebuilding community. It is hard to believe that my arrival in Gulfport coincides with the three year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina making landfall. I have vivid memories of evacuating New Orleans on August 28, 2005 with my roommates with the expectation to return in a few short days. Five months later upon arrival I quickly found out that the Gulf Coast would need years to fully recover.

Three years later and the rebuilding and recovery continues. I am thankful for the opportunity to return to the region and do my part to help revitalize the community.

1 comment:

joe said...
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